ESSEX House ClearanceFreephone
0800 046 3554 Mobile 07943 882 409 [email protected] Evergreen House Clearance services span the whole country . We are a fully insured and licensed property clearance company. The work that we carry out is always environmentally friendly so you can have the peace of mind in knowing that your waste has been disposed of in the best possible way. Our team turn up in an unmarked van but wearing uniforms. We understand that some of your items may have sentimental value and as such we take care at all times with your belongings. Here is a list of areas that we cover A Abberton Abbess Roding Abridge Aingers Green Aldham Alphamstone Alresford Althorne Ardleigh Arkesden Ashdon Asheldham Ashen Ashingdon Audley End Aveley Aythorpe Roding B Baker Street Ballards Gore Bambers Green Bannister Green Bardfield End Green Bardfield Saling Barling Barnston Basildon Battlesbridge Baythorne End Beacon End Beauchamp Roding Beaumont Beazley End Belchamp Otten Belchamp St Paul Belchamp Walter Berden Berners Roding Bicknacre Billericay Birch Birch Green Birchanger Birdbrook Bishops Green Black Notley Blackheath Blackmore Blackmore End Bobbingworth Bocking Bocking Churchstreet Boreham Borley Bowers Gifford Boxted Bradfield Bradfield Heath Bradwell Bradwell on Sea Bradwell Waterside Braintree Bran End Brentwood Bridge End Bridge Green Brightlingsea Broad Green Broad Street Green Broadley Common Brook Street Broomfield Broxted Buckhurst Hill Bulmer Bulmer Tye Bulphan Bumbles Green Bures Burnham on Crouch Burtons Green Butchers Pasture South Benfleet C Canewdon Canvey Island Castle Hedingham Catmere End Chadwell St Mary Chafford Hundred Chappel Chelmsford Chickney Chignal Smealy Chignal St James Chigwell Chigwell Row Chipping Hill Chrishall Church End - Braintree Churchend - Rochford Churchend - Uttlesford Churchgate Street Clacton on Sea Clatterford End Clavering Cock Clarks Coggeshall Colchester Cold Norton Cole End Colne Engaine Cooksmill Green Coopersale Copford Green Cornish Hall End Corringham Coryton Courtsend Coxtie Green Crays Hill Cressing Crockleford Heath Ongar D Danbury Daws Heath Debden Debden Green Dedham Dengie Doddinghurst Dovercourt Downham Dry Street Duck End Duddenhoe End Dunmow Dunton Wayletts Duton Hill E Earls Colne East Hanningfield East Horndon East Mersea East Tilbury Easthorpe Eastwood Edney Common Eight Ash Green Elder Street Elmdon Elmstead Elmstead Market Elsenham Epping Epping Green Epping Upland F Fairstead Farnham Farnham Green Faulkbourne Feering Felsted Fiddlers Hamlet Finchingfield Fingringhoe Fobbing Ford End Fordham Fordham Heath Fordstreet Foster Street Foulness Foulness Island Fox Street Foxearth Frating Frinton on Sea Fryerning Fuller Street Fyfield G Gainsford End Galleywood Gambles Green Gestingthorpe Goldhanger Good Easter Gosfield Grange Hill Grays Great Baddow Great Bardfield Great Bentley Great Braxted Great Bromley Great Burstead Great Canfield Great Chesterford Great Clacton Great Easton Great Hallingbury Great Henny Great Holland Great Horkesley Great Leighs Great Maplestead Great Notley Great Oakley Great Parndon Great Saling Great Sampford Great Stambridge Great Tey Great Totham Great Wakering Great Waltham Great Warley Great Wigborough Great Yeldham Greenstead Greenstead Green Greensted H Hadleigh Hadstock Halstead Hardys Green Harlow Hartford End Harwich Hastingwood Hatfield Broad Oak Hatfield Heath Hatfield Peverel Hawkwell Hazeleigh Heckfordbridge Helions Bumpstead Hempstead Henham Henny Street Herongate Heybridge - Billericay Heybridge - Maldon Heybridge Basin High Beach High Beech High Easter High Garrett High Laver High Ongar High Roding Highwoods Hockley Holland on Sea Hook End Hope End Green Horndon on the Hill Horsley Cross Horsleycross Street Hounslow Green Howe Green Howe Street Howlett End Hullbridge Hurst Green Hutton I Ingatestone Ingrave Inworth J Jaywick K Kelvedon Kelvedon Hatch Kirby Cross Kirby le Soken Knowl Green L Laindon Lakeside Lamarsh Lambourne End Langdon Hills Langenhoe Langford Langham Langley Langley Upper Green Latchingdon Lawford Layer Breton Layer de la Haye Layer Marney Leaden Roding Lee Chapel Lee over Sands Leigh Beck Leigh on Sea Lexden Heath Lindsell Linford Liston Little Baddow Little Bardfield Little Bentley Little Braxted Little Bromley Little Burstead Little Canfield Little Chesterford Little Clacton Little Dunmow Little Easton Little Hallingbury Little Henham Little Horkesley Little Laver Little Leighs Little Maplestead Little Oakley Little Sampford Little Tey Little Thurrock Little Totham Little Wakering Little Walden Little Waltham Little Warley Little Wigborough Little Yeldham Littlebury Littlebury Green Littley Green Loughton Loves Green Lower Green Lower Nazeing Lower Sheering M Magdalen Laver Maldon Manningtree Manuden Marden Ash Margaret Roding Margaretting Margaretting Tye Marks Tey Markshall Mashbury Matching Matching Green Matching Tye Mayland Maylandsea Messing Messing cum Inworth Middleton Mile End Mill Green Mistley Molehill Green Monk Street Moreton Mount Bures Mountnessing Mucking Mundon N Navestock Navestock Side Nazeing Nevendon Newney Green Newport Nine Ashes Noak Bridge North Benfleet North End North Fambridge North Shoebury North Stifford North Weald - North Weald Bassett Norton Heath Norton Mandeville Nounsley O Old Heath Ongar Orsett Osea Island Ostend Ovington Oxen End Oxley Green P Paglesham Panfield Parkeston Passingford Bridge Pattiswick Pebmarsh Peldon Pentlow Pilgrims Hatch Pitsea Plaistow Green Pleshey Point Clear Point Clear Bay Potter Street Prittlewell Purfleet Purleigh Q Quendon R Radley Green Radwinter Ramsden Bellhouse Ramsden Heath Ramsey Ramsey Island Rawreth Rayleigh Rayne Rettendon Rickling Rickling Green Ridgewell Rivenhall Rivenhall End Rochford Roundbush Green Rowhedge Roxwell Roydon Rudley Green Runwell S Saffron Walden Salcott Sandon Sewards End Sewardstone Sewardstonebury Shalford Shalford Green Sheering Shelley Shellow Bowells Shenfield Shoeburyness Shotgate Shrub End Sible Hedingham Silver End Smythes Green South Benfleet South Fambridge South Green South Hanningfield South Ockendon South Weald South Woodham Ferrers Southchurch Southend on Sea Southminster Springfield St Lawrence St Osyth Stambourne Stanford le Hope Stanford Rivers Stansted Airport Stansted Mountfitchet Stanway Stapleford Abbotts Stapleford Tawney Starlings Green Stebbing Stebbing Green Steeple Steeple Bumpstead Stisted Stock Stondon Massey Stones Green Stoneyhills Stow Maries Strethall Sturmer Sturthill Sutton with Shopland Swan Street T Takeley Takeley Street Tendring Terling Thames Haven Thaxted Theydon Bois Theydon Garnon Thornwood Common Thorpe Bay Thorpe le Soken Thorrington Threshers Bush Thundersley Tilbury Tilbury juxta Clare Tillingham Tilty Tiptree Tiptree Heath Tollesbury Tolleshunt DArcy Tolleshunt Knights Tolleshunt Major Tolmachan Toot Hill Toppesfield Twinstead Tye Green Tylers Green U Ugley Ugley Green Ulting Upper Green Upshire V Vange Virley W Wakes Colne Wallasea Island Waltham Abbey Walton on the Naze Warley Weeley Weeley Heath Wendens Ambo West Bergholt West Hanningfield West Horndon West Mersea West Thurrock West Tilbury Westcliff on Sea Wethersfield White Colne White Notley White Roding Wicken Bonhunt Wickford Wickham Bishops Wickham St Paul Widdington Widford Willingale Willows Green Wimbish Wimbish Green Witham Wivenhoe Wix Woodham Ferrers Woodham Mortimer Woodham Walter Wormingford Wrabness Writtle Wyatts Green A Abberton Abbess Roding Abridge Aingers Green Aldham Alphamstone Alresford Althorne Ardleigh Arkesden Ashdon Asheldham Ashen Ashingdon Audley End Aveley Aythorpe Roding B Baker Street Ballards Gore Bambers Green Bannister Green Bardfield End Green Bardfield Saling Barling Barnston Basildon Battlesbridge Baythorne End Beacon End Beauchamp Roding Beaumont Beazley End Belchamp Otten Belchamp St Paul Belchamp Walter Berden Berners Roding Bicknacre Billericay Birch Birch Green Birchanger Birdbrook Bishops Green Black Notley Blackheath Blackmore Blackmore End Bobbingworth Bocking Bocking Churchstreet Boreham Borley Bowers Gifford Boxted Bradfield Bradfield Heath Bradwell Bradwell on Sea Bradwell Waterside Braintree Bran End Brentwood Bridge End Bridge Green Brightlingsea Broad Green Broad Street Green Broadley Common Brook Street Broomfield Broxted Buckhurst Hill Bulmer Bulmer Tye Bulphan Bumbles Green Bures Burnham on Crouch Burtons Green Butchers Pasture South Benfleet C Canewdon Canvey Island Castle Hedingham Catmere End Chadwell St Mary Chafford Hundred Chappel Chelmsford Chickney Chignal Smealy Chignal St James Chigwell Chigwell Row Chipping Hill Chrishall Church End - Braintree Churchend - Rochford Churchend - Uttlesford Churchgate Street Clacton on Sea Clatterford End Clavering Cock Clarks Coggeshall Colchester Cold Norton Cole End Colne Engaine Cooksmill Green Coopersale Copford Green Cornish Hall End Corringham Coryton Courtsend Coxtie Green Crays Hill Cressing Crockleford Heath Ongar D Danbury Daws Heath Debden Debden Green Dedham Dengie Doddinghurst Dovercourt Downham Dry Street Duck End Duddenhoe End Dunmow Dunton Wayletts Duton Hill E Earls Colne East Hanningfield East Horndon East Mersea East Tilbury Easthorpe Eastwood Edney Common Eight Ash Green Elder Street Elmdon Elmstead Elmstead Market Elsenham Epping Epping Green Epping Upland F Fairstead Farnham Farnham Green Faulkbourne Feering Felsted Fiddlers Hamlet Finchingfield Fingringhoe Fobbing Ford End Fordham Fordham Heath Fordstreet Foster Street Foulness Foulness Island Fox Street Foxearth Frating Frinton on Sea Fryerning Fuller Street Fyfield G Gainsford End Galleywood Gambles Green Gestingthorpe Goldhanger Good Easter Gosfield Grange Hill Grays Great Baddow Great Bardfield Great Bentley Great Braxted Great Bromley Great Burstead Great Canfield Great Chesterford Great Clacton Great Easton Great Hallingbury Great Henny Great Holland Great Horkesley Great Leighs Great Maplestead Great Notley Great Oakley Great Parndon Great Saling Great Sampford Great Stambridge Great Tey Great Totham Great Wakering Great Waltham Great Warley Great Wigborough Great Yeldham Greenstead Greenstead Green Greensted H Hadleigh Hadstock Halstead Hardys Green Harlow Hartford End Harwich Hastingwood Hatfield Broad Oak Hatfield Heath Hatfield Peverel Hawkwell Hazeleigh Heckfordbridge Helions Bumpstead Hempstead Henham Henny Street Herongate Heybridge - Billericay Heybridge - Maldon Heybridge Basin High Beach High Beech High Easter High Garrett High Laver High Ongar High Roding Highwoods Hockley Holland on Sea Hook End Hope End Green Horndon on the Hill Horsley Cross Horsleycross Street Hounslow Green Howe Green Howe Street Howlett End Hullbridge Hurst Green Hutton I Ingatestone Ingrave Inworth J Jaywick K Kelvedon Kelvedon Hatch Kirby Cross Kirby le Soken Knowl Green L Laindon Lakeside Lamarsh Lambourne End Langdon Hills Langenhoe Langford Langham Langley Langley Upper Green Latchingdon Lawford Layer Breton Layer de la Haye Layer Marney Leaden Roding Lee Chapel Lee over Sands Leigh Beck Leigh on Sea Lexden Heath Lindsell Linford Liston Little Baddow Little Bardfield Little Bentley Little Braxted Little Bromley Little Burstead Little Canfield Little Chesterford Little Clacton Little Dunmow Little Easton Little Hallingbury Little Henham Little Horkesley Little Laver Little Leighs Little Maplestead Little Oakley Little Sampford Little Tey Little Thurrock Little Totham Little Wakering Little Walden Little Waltham Little Warley Little Wigborough Little Yeldham Littlebury Littlebury Green Littley Green Loughton Loves Green Lower Green Lower Nazeing Lower Sheering M Magdalen Laver Maldon Manningtree Manuden Marden Ash Margaret Roding Margaretting Margaretting Tye Marks Tey Markshall Mashbury Matching Matching Green Matching Tye Mayland Maylandsea Messing Messing cum Inworth Middleton Mile End Mill Green Mistley Molehill Green Monk Street Moreton Mount Bures Mountnessing Mucking Mundon N Navestock Navestock Side Nazeing Nevendon Newney Green Newport Nine Ashes Noak Bridge North Benfleet North End North Fambridge North Shoebury North Stifford North Weald - North Weald Bassett Norton Heath Norton Mandeville Nounsley O Old Heath Ongar Orsett Osea Island Ostend Ovington Oxen End Oxley Green P Paglesham Panfield Parkeston Passingford Bridge Pattiswick Pebmarsh Peldon Pentlow Pilgrims Hatch Pitsea Plaistow Green Pleshey Point Clear Point Clear Bay Potter Street Prittlewell Purfleet Purleigh Q Quendon R Radley Green Radwinter Ramsden Bellhouse Ramsden Heath Ramsey Ramsey Island Rawreth Rayleigh Rayne Rettendon Rickling Rickling Green Ridgewell Rivenhall Rivenhall End Rochford Roundbush Green Rowhedge Roxwell Roydon Rudley Green Runwell S Saffron Walden Salcott Sandon Sewards End Sewardstone Sewardstonebury Shalford Shalford Green Sheering Shelley Shellow Bowells Shenfield Shoeburyness Shotgate Shrub End Sible Hedingham Silver End Smythes Green South Benfleet South Fambridge South Green South Hanningfield South Ockendon South Weald South Woodham Ferrers Southchurch Southend on Sea Southminster Springfield St Lawrence St Osyth Stambourne Stanford le Hope Stanford Rivers Stansted Airport Stansted Mountfitchet Stanway Stapleford Abbotts Stapleford Tawney Starlings Green Stebbing Stebbing Green Steeple Steeple Bumpstead Stisted Stock Stondon Massey Stones Green Stoneyhills Stow Maries Strethall Sturmer Sturthill Sutton with Shopland Swan Street T Takeley Takeley Street Tendring Terling Thames Haven Thaxted Theydon Bois Theydon Garnon Thornwood Common Thorpe Bay Thorpe le Soken Thorrington Threshers Bush Thundersley Tilbury Tilbury juxta Clare Tillingham Tilty Tiptree Tiptree Heath Tollesbury Tolleshunt DArcy Tolleshunt Knights Tolleshunt Major Tolmachan Toot Hill Toppesfield Twinstead Tye Green Tylers Green U Ugley Ugley Green Ulting Upper Green Upshire V Vange Virley W Wakes Colne Wallasea Island Waltham Abbey Walton on the Naze Warley Weeley Weeley Heath Wendens Ambo West Bergholt West Hanningfield West Horndon West Mersea West Thurrock West Tilbury Westcliff on Sea Wethersfield White Colne White Notley White Roding Wicken Bonhunt Wickford Wickham Bishops Wickham St Paul Widdington Widford Willingale Willows Green Wimbish Wimbish Green Witham Wivenhoe Wix Woodham Ferrers Woodham Mortimer Woodham Walter Wormingford Wrabness Writtle Wyatts Green |